Saturday, January 23, 2010

Toilet Paper

I am currently at war with my roommates over toilet paper. For a week now, we have been with that one, last, roll. and now, it's gone. So, as Shaelyn doesn't have a car and Scott is pretty busy, I went out to go get yet another 12-pack of TP from Meijer. Not really a big deal really, just a hassle to have to make a special trip for no reason. Always looking at the glass half-full, at least I'm buying Cottonelle... more cush for the tush. In true military style, I thought, "lose the battle, win the war"... it was time to brainstorm strategic maneuvers and make moves on ways to get them to buy some toilet paper in the future. These formidable foes are gonna pay for their lack of bathroom etiquette soon enough . Content over the fact that I at least got grocery shopping done and relieved that we now have toilet paper, I went out.

Well, I just got back home, and my plan in motion has been halted. Much like Napoleon and his frozen army in Russia, I neglected to consider my environment before embarking on my mission. I failed to consider... the dog.

Just look at the bloodshed:

And the perpetrator:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have lost the war. And I am still out of toilet paper.


  1. Hahaha! So sorry about your loss Alex. This is much worse than the Ignorami battle at Sunny patch. It's awesome you have a dog blog! I have yet to meet Roddick, but hopefully I can see you guys soon... maybe even with my dog Wesley? Let me know.

    Paper, never plastic. Always stay thurbo. - Adam K: aka "poonshki"

  2. You forgot to tell the part about Roddick peeing on you for the first time everrr
